That Moment! That moment when you realize, somewhere right before you are about to sit down FINALLY to relax or maybe even climb into bed, that…OH! I forgot something important I have to do, and it cannot wait until tomorrow. Yep, that was me tonight when I realized I almost forgot today’s post. Phew! I’m so glad I didn’t let you guys down.

I mean, well, you really didn’t get my best though… sigh. Oh if only there were more me(s) or hours in the day.

So often, we can truly get tied down by our multi-tasking mentality that we don’t give ourselves permission to just take 5. Once upon a time, I was addicted to to-do lists. In fact, I had at least 5 or 6 of them going at any time, most at work, but I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I had quite a few buried somewhere at home. Buried because I didn’t want them screaming at me every day from the refrigerator door, stressing me out, and adding to the self-imposed pressure I put myself under every day to get so much accomplished.

What made me think I had to do so much? Was I drinking the kool-aid that society used to convince me that I was a failure if I wasn’t Wonder Woman and couldn’t take on the world? Yes, I was. I cannot speak for other countries, but I know in America we have a workaholic mentality towards everything. Frankly, I think it is high time we quit it! And by quitting it, I mean, stopped applying so much pressure to our lives, instead of simply slowing down and accepting we can only do so much each day.

Last year in May of 2020, I lost my job. A 30-year career in property management finally fell to the wayside. At the time, I was relieved. There were people above me asking me to compromise my values and integrity, and worse, to put the careers and safety of my employees at risk. They did me a favor in more ways than one by letting me go. The minute I took a breath and realized I was no longer under the mountain of to-do lists produced by managing 6 properties, I laughed. Correct. I laughed. Because I finally had clarity about the madness my life had been. “Never Again!” I said. No matter what, no looking back, no regrets. And since that day, I have become a much more happy and peaceful person.

So days like today, when I regress into a flurry of errands and things to do nearly forgetting things that have real value to me and have become my passion, I am reminded of just how unhappy I was then and how wonderful my life is now.

Each day, you have only so many things you can do. Make sure the number one item on every list you may have says, “take care of me.” After all, you’re counting on you.

It feels good to be gentle to yourself, doesn’t it?


I cannot believe I almost forgot!