
“Storytelling became an art form the moment cavemen documented their lives on stone walls. Over centuries this verbal catalogue of our past evolved to illustrate, recount, preserve, teach, and entertain so that we could hold onto the ideas of where we came from and hopefully learn to hold in our hearts that which connects us all. 

My Front Porch exists as a vessel for stories from young and old, every color, and every culture around the world. My best hope is to save the stories we might have lost and to give life to the storyteller once more."


What We Value Most


The connection of the storyteller to the listener is paramount.  When a story engages the listener, the story gains new life through them.  A bond and a relationship are formed in a moment.


When a story is integrated into the pattern of our lives we are transformed through it. Our thoughts are expanded and we see through a new lens, a fresh perspective.


That which we value most we share and pass on to future generations.  The listener becomes the storyteller and the cycle of preservation continues.


Read the stories we've collected! Here's the latest:

A Slight Turn Toward the Future


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Summer of 1997

A Seed is Planted

With a BA in Literature and a desire to write, I began to flesh out an idea of recording stories as told by our grandparents of times long forgotten. The idea was to preserve our past through the eyes of those who had lived and experienced it firsthand. I envisioned buying an RV and hitting the road to travel to nursing homes and retirement communities in search of a timeless connection to the past.

2005 Reinvention

Seasons Change

When my writing career never transpired… life happens… I taught high school, briefly, and then returned to my real estate career, a place I previously made a good living. After the recession tore apart the real estate industry I went through a career crisis and began to reconsider writing. A friend suggested a blog, so I began writing one called Reinvent Yourself. Blogs and social media had not gained significant popularity at that time; however, so after ten episodes I stopped.

Surviving 2020

Ideas Flourish

After returning to a lucrative career in property management, I thrived on chaos for another 15 years.  But Covid-19 and my waning love affair with crises management brought an end to that pursuit.  Life reopened a space for me to create again.  With humanity sequestered inside their homes and distanced from their perceived normalcy, I could see us reconnecting at the source again in new ways with technology and face to face.  Seeking connection, we are at a perfect time to find the beauty and value in stories.  So I decided to bring back to life the pursuit of storytellers, and created a place where they could come together to share their stories, My Front Porch.